Source code for mushroom_rl.algorithms.policy_search.black_box_optimization.constrained_reps

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from mushroom_rl.algorithms.policy_search.black_box_optimization import BlackBoxOptimization
from mushroom_rl.utils.parameters import to_parameter

[docs]class ConstrainedREPS(BlackBoxOptimization): """ Episodic Relative Entropy Policy Search algorithm with constrained policy update. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, distribution, policy, eps, kappa, features=None): """ Constructor. Args: eps ([float, Parameter]): the maximum admissible value for the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the new distribution and the previous one at each update step. kappa ([float, Parameter]): the maximum admissible value for the entropy decrease between the new distribution and the previous one at each update step. """ self._eps = to_parameter(eps) self._kappa = to_parameter(kappa) self._add_save_attr(_eps='mushroom') self._add_save_attr(_kappa='mushroom') super().__init__(mdp_info, distribution, policy, features)
[docs] def _update(self, Jep, theta): eta_start = np.ones(1) res = minimize(ConstrainedREPS._dual_function, eta_start, jac=ConstrainedREPS._dual_function_diff, bounds=((np.finfo(np.float32).eps, np.inf),), args=(self._eps(), Jep, theta)) eta_opt = res.x.item() Jep -= np.max(Jep) d = np.exp(Jep / eta_opt) self.distribution.con_wmle(theta, d, self._eps(), self._kappa())
@staticmethod def _dual_function(eta_array, *args): eta = eta_array.item() eps, Jep, theta = args max_J = np.max(Jep) r = Jep - max_J sum1 = np.mean(np.exp(r / eta)) return eta * eps + eta * np.log(sum1) + max_J @staticmethod def _dual_function_diff(eta_array, *args): eta = eta_array.item() eps, Jep, theta = args max_J = np.max(Jep) r = Jep - max_J sum1 = np.mean(np.exp(r / eta)) sum2 = np.mean(np.exp(r / eta) * r) gradient = eps + np.log(sum1) - sum2 / (eta * sum1) return np.array([gradient])