Source code for mushroom_rl.algorithms.actor_critic.deep_actor_critic.sac

import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.optim as optim

from mushroom_rl.algorithms.actor_critic.deep_actor_critic import DeepAC
from mushroom_rl.policy import Policy
from mushroom_rl.approximators import Regressor
from mushroom_rl.approximators.parametric import TorchApproximator
from mushroom_rl.utils.replay_memory import ReplayMemory
from mushroom_rl.utils.torch import to_float_tensor

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain

class SACPolicy(Policy):
    Class used to implement the policy used by the Soft Actor-Critic
    algorithm. The policy is a Gaussian policy squashed by a tanh.
    This class implements the compute_action_and_log_prob and the
    compute_action_and_log_prob_t methods, that are fundamental for
    the internals calculations of the SAC algorithm.

    def __init__(self, mu_approximator, sigma_approximator, min_a, max_a):

            mu_approximator (Regressor): a regressor computing mean in given a
            sigma_approximator (Regressor): a regressor computing the variance
                in given a state;
            min_a (np.ndarray): a vector specifying the minimum action value
                for each component;
            max_a (np.ndarray): a vector specifying the maximum action value
                for each component.

        self._mu_approximator = mu_approximator
        self._sigma_approximator = sigma_approximator

        self._delta_a = to_float_tensor(.5 * (max_a - min_a), self.use_cuda)
        self._central_a = to_float_tensor(.5 * (max_a + min_a), self.use_cuda)

        use_cuda = self._mu_approximator.model.use_cuda

        if use_cuda:
            self._delta_a = self._delta_a.cuda()
            self._central_a = self._central_a.cuda()

    def __call__(self, state, action):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def draw_action(self, state):
        return self.compute_action_and_log_prob_t(
            state, compute_log_prob=False).detach().cpu().numpy()

    def compute_action_and_log_prob(self, state):
        Function that samples actions using the reparametrization trick and
        the log probability for such actions.

            state (np.ndarray): the state in which the action is sampled.

            The actions sampled and the log probability as numpy arrays.

        a, log_prob = self.compute_action_and_log_prob_t(state)
        return a.detach().cpu().numpy(), log_prob.detach().cpu().numpy()

    def compute_action_and_log_prob_t(self, state, compute_log_prob=True):
        Function that samples actions using the reparametrization trick and,
        optionally, the log probability for such actions.

            state (np.ndarray): the state in which the action is sampled;
            compute_log_prob (bool, True): whether to compute the log
            probability or not.

            The actions sampled and, optionally, the log probability as torch

        dist = self.distribution(state)
        a_raw = dist.rsample()
        a = torch.tanh(a_raw)
        a_true = a * self._delta_a + self._central_a

        if compute_log_prob:
            log_prob = dist.log_prob(a_raw).sum(dim=1)
            log_prob -= torch.log(1. - a.pow(2) + 1e-6).sum(dim=1)
            return a_true, log_prob
            return a_true

    def distribution(self, state):
        Compute the policy distribution in the given states.

            state (np.ndarray): the set of states where the distribution is

            The torch distribution for the provided states.

        mu = self._mu_approximator.predict(state, output_tensor=True)
        log_sigma = self._sigma_approximator.predict(state, output_tensor=True)
        return torch.distributions.Normal(mu, log_sigma.exp())

    def reset(self):

    def set_weights(self, weights):

            weights (np.ndarray): the vector of the new weights to be used by
                the policy.

        mu_weights = weights[:self._mu_approximator.weights_size]
        sigma_weights = weights[self._mu_approximator.weights_size:]


    def get_weights(self):

             The current policy weights.

        mu_weights = self._mu_approximator.get_weights()
        sigma_weights = self._sigma_approximator.get_weights()

        return np.concatenate([mu_weights, sigma_weights])

    def use_cuda(self):
        True if the policy is using cuda_tensors.
        return self._mu_approximator.model.use_cuda

[docs]class SAC(DeepAC): """ Soft Actor-Critic algorithm. "Soft Actor-Critic Algorithms and Applications". Haarnoja T. et al.. 2019. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, actor_mu_params, actor_sigma_params, actor_optimizer, critic_params, batch_size, initial_replay_size, max_replay_size, warmup_transitions, tau, lr_alpha, target_entropy=None, critic_fit_params=None): """ Constructor. Args: actor_mu_params (dict): parameters of the actor mean approximator to build; actor_sigma_params (dict): parameters of the actor sigm approximator to build; actor_optimizer (dict): parameters to specify the actor optimizer algorithm; critic_params (dict): parameters of the critic approximator to build; batch_size (int): the number of samples in a batch; initial_replay_size (int): the number of samples to collect before starting the learning; max_replay_size (int): the maximum number of samples in the replay memory; warmup_transitions (int): number of samples to accumulate in the replay memory to start the policy fitting; tau (float): value of coefficient for soft updates; lr_alpha (float): Learning rate for the entropy coefficient; target_entropy (float, None): target entropy for the policy, if None a default value is computed ; critic_fit_params (dict, None): parameters of the fitting algorithm of the critic approximator. """ self._critic_fit_params = dict() if critic_fit_params is None else critic_fit_params self._batch_size = batch_size self._warmup_transitions = warmup_transitions self._tau = tau if target_entropy is None: self._target_entropy = else: self._target_entropy = target_entropy self._replay_memory = ReplayMemory(initial_replay_size, max_replay_size) if 'n_models' in critic_params.keys(): assert critic_params['n_models'] == 2 else: critic_params['n_models'] = 2 target_critic_params = deepcopy(critic_params) self._critic_approximator = Regressor(TorchApproximator, **critic_params) self._target_critic_approximator = Regressor(TorchApproximator, **target_critic_params) actor_mu_approximator = Regressor(TorchApproximator, **actor_mu_params) actor_sigma_approximator = Regressor(TorchApproximator, **actor_sigma_params) policy = SACPolicy(actor_mu_approximator, actor_sigma_approximator, mdp_info.action_space.low, mdp_info.action_space.high) self._init_target(self._critic_approximator, self._target_critic_approximator) self._log_alpha = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) if policy.use_cuda: self._log_alpha = self._log_alpha.cuda().requires_grad_() else: self._log_alpha.requires_grad_() self._alpha_optim = optim.Adam([self._log_alpha], lr=lr_alpha) policy_parameters = chain(, self._add_save_attr( _critic_fit_params='pickle', _batch_size='numpy', _warmup_transitions='numpy', _tau='numpy', _target_entropy='numpy', _replay_memory='pickle', _critic_approximator='pickle', _target_critic_approximator='pickle', _log_alpha='pickle', _alpha_optim='pickle' ) super().__init__(mdp_info, policy, actor_optimizer, policy_parameters)
[docs] def fit(self, dataset): self._replay_memory.add(dataset) if self._replay_memory.initialized: state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, _ = \ self._replay_memory.get(self._batch_size) if self._replay_memory.size > self._warmup_transitions: action_new, log_prob = self.policy.compute_action_and_log_prob_t(state) loss = self._loss(state, action_new, log_prob) self._optimize_actor_parameters(loss) self._update_alpha(log_prob.detach()) q_next = self._next_q(next_state, absorbing) q = reward + self.mdp_info.gamma * q_next, action, q, **self._critic_fit_params) self._update_target(self._critic_approximator, self._target_critic_approximator)
def _loss(self, state, action_new, log_prob): q_0 = self._critic_approximator(state, action_new, output_tensor=True, idx=0) q_1 = self._critic_approximator(state, action_new, output_tensor=True, idx=1) q = torch.min(q_0, q_1) return (self._alpha * log_prob - q).mean() def _update_alpha(self, log_prob): alpha_loss = - (self._log_alpha * (log_prob + self._target_entropy)).mean() self._alpha_optim.zero_grad() alpha_loss.backward() self._alpha_optim.step()
[docs] def _next_q(self, next_state, absorbing): """ Args: next_state (np.ndarray): the states where next action has to be evaluated; absorbing (np.ndarray): the absorbing flag for the states in ``next_state``. Returns: Action-values returned by the critic for ``next_state`` and the action returned by the actor. """ a, log_prob_next = self.policy.compute_action_and_log_prob(next_state) q = self._target_critic_approximator.predict( next_state, a, prediction='min') - self._alpha_np * log_prob_next q *= 1 - absorbing return q
[docs] def _post_load(self): if self._optimizer is not None: self._parameters = list( chain(, ) )
@property def _alpha(self): return self._log_alpha.exp() @property def _alpha_np(self): return self._alpha.detach().cpu().numpy()