Source code for mushroom_rl.algorithms.actor_critic.deep_actor_critic.td3

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.algorithms.actor_critic.deep_actor_critic import DDPG
from mushroom_rl.policy import Policy

[docs]class TD3(DDPG): """ Twin Delayed DDPG algorithm. "Addressing Function Approximation Error in Actor-Critic Methods". Fujimoto S. et al.. 2018. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy_class, policy_params, actor_params, actor_optimizer, critic_params, batch_size, initial_replay_size, max_replay_size, tau, policy_delay=2, noise_std=.2, noise_clip=.5, critic_fit_params=None): """ Constructor. Args: policy_class (Policy): class of the policy; policy_params (dict): parameters of the policy to build; actor_params (dict): parameters of the actor approximator to build; actor_optimizer (dict): parameters to specify the actor optimizer algorithm; critic_params (dict): parameters of the critic approximator to build; batch_size (int): the number of samples in a batch; initial_replay_size (int): the number of samples to collect before starting the learning; max_replay_size (int): the maximum number of samples in the replay memory; tau (float): value of coefficient for soft updates; policy_delay (int, 2): the number of updates of the critic after which an actor update is implemented; noise_std (float, .2): standard deviation of the noise used for policy smoothing; noise_clip (float, .5): maximum absolute value for policy smoothing noise; critic_fit_params (dict, None): parameters of the fitting algorithm of the critic approximator. """ self._noise_std = noise_std self._noise_clip = noise_clip if 'n_models' in critic_params.keys(): assert(critic_params['n_models'] >= 2) else: critic_params['n_models'] = 2 self._add_save_attr( _noise_std='numpy', _noise_clip='numpy' ) super().__init__(mdp_info, policy_class, policy_params, actor_params, actor_optimizer, critic_params, batch_size, initial_replay_size, max_replay_size, tau, policy_delay, critic_fit_params)
def _loss(self, state): action = self._actor_approximator(state, output_tensor=True) q = self._critic_approximator(state, action, idx=0, output_tensor=True) return -q.mean()
[docs] def _next_q(self, next_state, absorbing): """ Args: next_state (np.ndarray): the states where next action has to be evaluated; absorbing (np.ndarray): the absorbing flag for the states in ``next_state``. Returns: Action-values returned by the critic for ``next_state`` and the action returned by the actor. """ a = self._target_actor_approximator(next_state) low = self.mdp_info.action_space.low high = self.mdp_info.action_space.high eps = np.random.normal(scale=self._noise_std, size=a.shape) eps_clipped = np.clip(eps, -self._noise_clip, self._noise_clip) a_smoothed = np.clip(a + eps_clipped, low, high) q = self._target_critic_approximator.predict(next_state, a_smoothed, prediction='min') q *= 1 - absorbing return q