Source code for mushroom_rl.algorithms.value.dqn.dqn

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.algorithms.agent import Agent
from mushroom_rl.approximators.parametric.torch_approximator import *
from mushroom_rl.approximators.regressor import Ensemble, Regressor
from mushroom_rl.utils.replay_memory import PrioritizedReplayMemory, ReplayMemory

[docs]class DQN(Agent): """ Deep Q-Network algorithm. "Human-Level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning". Mnih V. et al.. 2015. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy, approximator, approximator_params, batch_size, target_update_frequency, replay_memory=None, initial_replay_size=500, max_replay_size=5000, fit_params=None, n_approximators=1, clip_reward=True): """ Constructor. Args: approximator (object): the approximator to use to fit the Q-function; approximator_params (dict): parameters of the approximator to build; batch_size (int): the number of samples in a batch; target_update_frequency (int): the number of samples collected between each update of the target network; replay_memory ([ReplayMemory, PrioritizedReplayMemory], None): the object of the replay memory to use; if None, a default replay memory is created; initial_replay_size (int): the number of samples to collect before starting the learning; max_replay_size (int): the maximum number of samples in the replay memory; fit_params (dict, None): parameters of the fitting algorithm of the approximator; n_approximators (int, 1): the number of approximator to use in ``AveragedDQN``; clip_reward (bool, True): whether to clip the reward or not. """ self._fit_params = dict() if fit_params is None else fit_params self._batch_size = batch_size self._n_approximators = n_approximators self._clip_reward = clip_reward self._target_update_frequency = target_update_frequency if replay_memory is not None: self._replay_memory = replay_memory if isinstance(replay_memory, PrioritizedReplayMemory): self._fit = self._fit_prioritized else: self._fit = self._fit_standard else: self._replay_memory = ReplayMemory(initial_replay_size, max_replay_size) self._fit = self._fit_standard self._n_updates = 0 apprx_params_train = deepcopy(approximator_params) apprx_params_target = deepcopy(approximator_params) self.approximator = Regressor(approximator, **apprx_params_train) self.target_approximator = Regressor(approximator, n_models=self._n_approximators, **apprx_params_target) policy.set_q(self.approximator) if self._n_approximators == 1: self.target_approximator.set_weights( self.approximator.get_weights()) else: for i in range(self._n_approximators): self.target_approximator[i].set_weights( self.approximator.get_weights()) self._add_save_attr( _fit_params='pickle', _batch_size='numpy', _n_approximators='numpy', _clip_reward='numpy', _target_update_frequency='numpy', _replay_memory='pickle', _fit='pickle', _n_updates='numpy', approximator='pickle', target_approximator='pickle' ) super().__init__(mdp_info, policy)
[docs] def fit(self, dataset): self._fit(dataset) self._n_updates += 1 if self._n_updates % self._target_update_frequency == 0: self._update_target()
def _fit_standard(self, dataset): self._replay_memory.add(dataset) if self._replay_memory.initialized: state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, _ = \ self._replay_memory.get(self._batch_size) if self._clip_reward: reward = np.clip(reward, -1, 1) q_next = self._next_q(next_state, absorbing) q = reward + self.mdp_info.gamma * q_next, action, q, **self._fit_params) def _fit_prioritized(self, dataset): self._replay_memory.add( dataset, np.ones(len(dataset)) * self._replay_memory.max_priority) if self._replay_memory.initialized: state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, _, idxs, is_weight = \ self._replay_memory.get(self._batch_size) if self._clip_reward: reward = np.clip(reward, -1, 1) q_next = self._next_q(next_state, absorbing) q = reward + self.mdp_info.gamma * q_next td_error = q - self.approximator.predict(state, action) self._replay_memory.update(td_error, idxs), action, q, weights=is_weight, **self._fit_params)
[docs] def _update_target(self): """ Update the target network. """ self.target_approximator.set_weights( self.approximator.get_weights())
[docs] def _next_q(self, next_state, absorbing): """ Args: next_state (np.ndarray): the states where next action has to be evaluated; absorbing (np.ndarray): the absorbing flag for the states in ``next_state``. Returns: Maximum action-value for each state in ``next_state``. """ q = self.target_approximator.predict(next_state) if np.any(absorbing): q *= 1 - absorbing.reshape(-1, 1) return np.max(q, axis=1)
[docs] def draw_action(self, state): action = super(DQN, self).draw_action(np.array(state)) return action
[docs]class DoubleDQN(DQN): """ Double DQN algorithm. "Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-Learning". Hasselt H. V. et al.. 2016. """
[docs] def _next_q(self, next_state, absorbing): q = self.approximator.predict(next_state) max_a = np.argmax(q, axis=1) double_q = self.target_approximator.predict(next_state, max_a) if np.any(absorbing): double_q *= 1 - absorbing return double_q
[docs]class AveragedDQN(DQN): """ Averaged-DQN algorithm. "Averaged-DQN: Variance Reduction and Stabilization for Deep Reinforcement Learning". Anschel O. et al.. 2017. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy, approximator, **params): super().__init__(mdp_info, policy, approximator, **params) self._n_fitted_target_models = 1 self._add_save_attr(_n_fitted_target_models='numpy') assert len(self.target_approximator) > 1
[docs] def _update_target(self): idx = self._n_updates // self._target_update_frequency\ % self._n_approximators self.target_approximator[idx].set_weights( self.approximator.get_weights()) if self._n_fitted_target_models < self._n_approximators: self._n_fitted_target_models += 1
[docs] def _next_q(self, next_state, absorbing): q = list() for idx in range(self._n_fitted_target_models): q.append(self.target_approximator.predict(next_state, idx=idx)) q = np.mean(q, axis=0) if np.any(absorbing): q *= 1 - absorbing.reshape(-1, 1) return np.max(q, axis=1)