Source code for mushroom_rl.approximators.parametric.torch_approximator

import torch
import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange, tqdm

from mushroom_rl.utils.minibatches import minibatch_generator
from mushroom_rl.utils.torch import get_weights, set_weights, zero_grad

[docs]class TorchApproximator: """ Class to interface a pytorch model to the mushroom Regressor interface. This class implements all is needed to use a generic pytorch model and train it using a specified optimizer and objective function. This class supports also minibatches. """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, network, optimizer=None, loss=None, batch_size=0, n_fit_targets=1, use_cuda=False, reinitialize=False, dropout=False, quiet=True, **params): """ Constructor. Args: input_shape (tuple): shape of the input of the network; output_shape (tuple): shape of the output of the network; network (torch.nn.Module): the network class to use; optimizer (dict): the optimizer used for every fit step; loss (torch.nn.functional): the loss function to optimize in the fit method; batch_size (int, 0): the size of each minibatch. If 0, the whole dataset is fed to the optimizer at each epoch; n_fit_targets (int, 1): the number of fit targets used by the fit method of the network; use_cuda (bool, False): if True, runs the network on the GPU; reinitialize (bool, False): if True, the approximator is re initialized at every fit call. To perform the initialization, the weights_init method must be defined properly for the selected model network. dropout (bool, False): if True, dropout is applied only during train; quiet (bool, True): if False, shows two progress bars, one for epochs and one for the minibatches; params (dict): dictionary of parameters needed to construct the network. """ self._batch_size = batch_size self._reinitialize = reinitialize self._use_cuda = use_cuda self._dropout = dropout self._quiet = quiet self._n_fit_targets = n_fit_targets = network(input_shape, output_shape, use_cuda=use_cuda, dropout=dropout, **params) if self._use_cuda: if self._dropout: if optimizer is not None: self._optimizer = optimizer['class'](, **optimizer['params']) self._loss = loss
[docs] def predict(self, *args, output_tensor=False, **kwargs): """ Predict. Args: args (list): input; output_tensor (bool, False): whether to return the output as tensor or not; **kwargs (dict): other parameters used by the predict method the regressor. Returns: The predictions of the model. """ if not self._use_cuda: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(x) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x for x in args] val =*torch_args, **kwargs) if output_tensor: return val elif isinstance(val, tuple): val = tuple([x.detach().numpy() for x in val]) else: val = val.detach().numpy() else: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(x).cuda() if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else x.cuda() for x in args] val =*torch_args, **kwargs) if output_tensor: return val elif isinstance(val, tuple): val = tuple([x.detach().cpu().numpy() for x in val]) else: val = val.detach().cpu().numpy() return val
[docs] def fit(self, *args, n_epochs=None, weights=None, epsilon=None, patience=1, validation_split=1., **kwargs): """ Fit the model. Args: *args (list): input, where the last ``n_fit_targets`` elements are considered as the target, while the others are considered as input; n_epochs (int, None): the number of training epochs; weights (np.ndarray, None): the weights of each sample in the computation of the loss; epsilon (float, None): the coefficient used for early stopping; patience (float, 1.): the number of epochs to wait until stop the learning if not improving; validation_split (float, 1.): the percentage of the dataset to use as training set; **kwargs (dict): other parameters used by the fit method of the regressor. """ if self._reinitialize: if self._dropout: if epsilon is not None: n_epochs = np.inf if n_epochs is None else n_epochs check_loss = True else: n_epochs = 1 if n_epochs is None else n_epochs check_loss = False if weights is not None: args += (weights,) use_weights = True else: use_weights = False if 0 < validation_split <= 1: train_len = np.ceil(len(args[0]) * validation_split).astype( train_args = [a[:train_len] for a in args] val_args = [a[train_len:] for a in args] else: raise ValueError patience_count = 0 best_loss = np.inf epochs_count = 0 if check_loss: with tqdm(total=n_epochs if n_epochs < np.inf else None, dynamic_ncols=True, disable=self._quiet, leave=False) as t_epochs: while patience_count < patience and epochs_count < n_epochs: mean_loss_current = self._fit_epoch(train_args, use_weights, kwargs) if len(val_args[0]): mean_val_loss_current = self._compute_batch_loss( val_args, use_weights, kwargs ) loss = mean_val_loss_current.item() else: loss = mean_loss_current if not self._quiet: t_epochs.set_postfix(loss=loss) t_epochs.update(1) if best_loss - loss > epsilon: patience_count = 0 best_loss = loss else: patience_count += 1 epochs_count += 1 else: with trange(n_epochs, disable=self._quiet) as t_epochs: for _ in t_epochs: mean_loss_current = self._fit_epoch(train_args, use_weights, kwargs) if not self._quiet: t_epochs.set_postfix(loss=mean_loss_current) if self._dropout:
def _fit_epoch(self, args, use_weights, kwargs): if self._batch_size > 0: batches = minibatch_generator(self._batch_size, *args) else: batches = [args] loss_current = list() for batch in batches: loss_current.append(self._fit_batch(batch, use_weights, kwargs)) return np.mean(loss_current) def _fit_batch(self, batch, use_weights, kwargs): loss = self._compute_batch_loss(batch, use_weights, kwargs) self._optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self._optimizer.step() return loss.item() def _compute_batch_loss(self, batch, use_weights, kwargs): if use_weights: weights = torch.from_numpy(batch[-1]).type(torch.float) if self._use_cuda: weights = weights.cuda() batch = batch[:-1] if not self._use_cuda: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(x) for x in batch] else: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(x).cuda() for x in batch] x = torch_args[:-self._n_fit_targets] y_hat =*x, **kwargs) if isinstance(y_hat, tuple): output_type = y_hat[0].dtype else: output_type = y_hat.dtype y = [y_i.clone().detach().requires_grad_(False).type(output_type) for y_i in torch_args[-self._n_fit_targets:]] if self._use_cuda: y = [y_i.cuda() for y_i in y] if not use_weights: loss = self._loss(y_hat, *y) else: loss = self._loss(y_hat, *y, reduction='none') loss @= weights loss = loss / weights.sum() return loss
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """ Setter. Args: w (np.ndarray): the set of weights to set. """ set_weights(, weights, self._use_cuda)
[docs] def get_weights(self): """ Getter. Returns: The set of weights of the approximator. """ return get_weights(
@property def weights_size(self): """ Returns: The size of the array of weights. """ return sum(p.numel() for p in
[docs] def diff(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute the derivative of the output w.r.t. ``state``, and ``action`` if provided. Args: state (np.ndarray): the state; action (np.ndarray, None): the action. Returns: The derivative of the output w.r.t. ``state``, and ``action`` if provided. """ if not self._use_cuda: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(np.atleast_2d(x)) for x in args] else: torch_args = [torch.from_numpy(np.atleast_2d(x)).cuda() for x in args] y_hat =*torch_args, **kwargs) n_outs = 1 if len(y_hat.shape) == 0 else y_hat.shape[-1] y_hat = y_hat.view(-1, n_outs) gradients = list() for i in range(y_hat.shape[1]): zero_grad( y_hat[:, i].backward(retain_graph=True) gradient = list() for p in g = gradient.append(g.flatten()) g = np.concatenate(gradient, 0) gradients.append(g) g = np.stack(gradients, -1) return g
@property def use_cuda(self): return self._use_cuda