Source code for mushroom_rl.policy.torch_policy

import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from mushroom_rl.policy import Policy
from mushroom_rl.approximators import Regressor
from mushroom_rl.approximators.parametric import TorchApproximator
from mushroom_rl.utils.torch import to_float_tensor

from itertools import chain

[docs]class TorchPolicy(Policy): """ Interface for a generic PyTorch policy. A PyTorch policy is a policy implemented as a neural network using PyTorch. Functions ending with '_t' use tensors as input, and also as output when required. """
[docs] def __init__(self, use_cuda): """ Constructor. Args: use_cuda (bool): whether to use cuda or not. """ self._use_cuda = use_cuda
[docs] def __call__(self, state, action): s = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(state), self._use_cuda) a = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(action), self._use_cuda) return np.exp(self.log_prob_t(s, a).item())
[docs] def draw_action(self, state): with torch.no_grad(): s = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(state), self._use_cuda) a = self.draw_action_t(s) return torch.squeeze(a, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] def distribution(self, state): """ Compute the policy distribution in the given states. Args: state (np.ndarray): the set of states where the distribution is computed. Returns: The torch distribution for the provided states. """ s = to_float_tensor(state, self._use_cuda) return self.distribution_t(s)
[docs] def entropy(self, state=None): """ Compute the entropy of the policy. Args: state (np.ndarray, None): the set of states to consider. If the entropy of the policy can be computed in closed form, then ``state`` can be None. Returns: The value of the entropy of the policy. """ s = to_float_tensor(state, self._use_cuda) if state is not None else None return self.entropy_t(s).detach().cpu().numpy().item()
[docs] def draw_action_t(self, state): """ Draw an action given a tensor. Args: state (torch.Tensor): set of states. Returns: The tensor of the actions to perform in each state. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_prob_t(self, state, action): """ Compute the logarithm of the probability of taking ``action`` in ``state``. Args: state (torch.Tensor): set of states. action (torch.Tensor): set of actions. Returns: The tensor of log-probability. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def entropy_t(self, state=None): """ Compute the entropy of the policy. Args: state (torch.Tensor): the set of states to consider. If the entropy of the policy can be computed in closed form, then ``state`` can be None. Returns: The tensor value of the entropy of the policy. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def distribution_t(self, state): """ Compute the policy distribution in the given states. Args: state (torch.Tensor): the set of states where the distribution is computed. Returns: The torch distribution for the provided states. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """ Setter. Args: weights (np.ndarray): the vector of the new weights to be used by the policy. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_weights(self): """ Getter. Returns: The current policy weights. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def parameters(self): """ Returns the trainable policy parameters, as expected by torch optimizers. Returns: List of parameters to be optimized. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): pass
@property def use_cuda(self): """ True if the policy is using cuda_tensors. """ return self._use_cuda
[docs]class GaussianTorchPolicy(TorchPolicy): """ Torch policy implementing a Gaussian policy with trainable standard deviation. The standard deviation is not state-dependent. """
[docs] def __init__(self, network, input_shape, output_shape, std_0=1., use_cuda=False, **params): """ Constructor. Args: network (object): the network class used to implement the mean regressor; input_shape (tuple): the shape of the state space; output_shape (tuple): the shape of the action space; std_0 (float, 1.): initial standard deviation; params (dict): parameters used by the network constructor. """ super().__init__(use_cuda) self._action_dim = output_shape[0] self._mu = Regressor(TorchApproximator, input_shape, output_shape, network=network, use_cuda=use_cuda, **params) log_sigma_init = torch.ones(self._action_dim) * np.log(std_0) if self._use_cuda: log_sigma_init = log_sigma_init.cuda() self._log_sigma = nn.Parameter(log_sigma_init)
[docs] def draw_action_t(self, state): return self.distribution_t(state).sample().detach()
[docs] def log_prob_t(self, state, action): return self.distribution_t(state).log_prob(action)[:, None]
[docs] def entropy_t(self, state=None): return self._action_dim / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi * np.e) + torch.sum(self._log_sigma)
[docs] def distribution_t(self, state): mu, sigma = self.get_mean_and_covariance(state) return torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(loc=mu, covariance_matrix=sigma)
def get_mean_and_covariance(self, state): return self._mu(state, output_tensor=True), torch.diag(torch.exp(2 * self._log_sigma))
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): log_sigma_data = torch.from_numpy(weights[-self._action_dim:]) if self.use_cuda: log_sigma_data = log_sigma_data.cuda() = log_sigma_data self._mu.set_weights(weights[:-self._action_dim])
[docs] def get_weights(self): mu_weights = self._mu.get_weights() sigma_weights = return np.concatenate([mu_weights, sigma_weights])
[docs] def parameters(self): return chain(, [self._log_sigma])