Source code for mushroom_rl.algorithms.value.batch_td.fqi

import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange

from mushroom_rl.algorithms.value.batch_td import BatchTD
from mushroom_rl.utils.dataset import parse_dataset

[docs]class FQI(BatchTD): """ Fitted Q-Iteration algorithm. "Tree-Based Batch Mode Reinforcement Learning", Ernst D. et al.. 2005. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy, approximator, n_iterations, approximator_params=None, fit_params=None, quiet=False, boosted=False): """ Constructor. Args: n_iterations (int): number of iterations to perform for training; quiet (bool, False): whether to show the progress bar or not; boosted (bool, False): whether to use boosted FQI or not. """ self._n_iterations = n_iterations self._quiet = quiet # "Boosted Fitted Q-Iteration". Tosatto S. et al.. 2017. self._boosted = boosted if self._boosted: self._prediction = 0. self._next_q = 0. self._idx = 0 approximator_params['n_models'] = n_iterations self._add_save_attr( _n_iterations='primitive', _quiet='primitive', _boosted='primitive', _prediction='primitive', _next_q='numpy', _idx='primitive', _target='pickle' ) super().__init__(mdp_info, policy, approximator, approximator_params, fit_params) self._target = None
[docs] def fit(self, dataset): """ Fit loop. """ if self._boosted: if self._target is None: self._prediction = 0. self._next_q = 0. self._idx = 0 fit = self._fit_boosted else: fit = self._fit for _ in trange(self._n_iterations, dynamic_ncols=True, disable=self._quiet, leave=False): fit(dataset)
[docs] def _fit(self, x): """ Single fit iteration. Args: x (list): the dataset. """ state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, _ = parse_dataset(x) if self._target is None: self._target = reward else: q = self.approximator.predict(next_state) if np.any(absorbing): q *= 1 - absorbing.reshape(-1, 1) max_q = np.max(q, axis=1) self._target = reward + self.mdp_info.gamma * max_q, action, self._target, **self._fit_params)
[docs] def _fit_boosted(self, x): """ Single fit iteration for boosted FQI. Args: x (list): the dataset. """ state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, _ = parse_dataset(x) if self._target is None: self._target = reward else: self._next_q += self.approximator.predict(next_state, idx=self._idx - 1) if np.any(absorbing): self._next_q *= 1 - absorbing.reshape(-1, 1) max_q = np.max(self._next_q, axis=1) self._target = reward + self.mdp_info.gamma * max_q self._target -= self._prediction self._prediction += self._target, action, self._target, idx=self._idx, **self._fit_params) self._idx += 1
[docs]class DoubleFQI(FQI): """ Double Fitted Q-Iteration algorithm. "Estimating the Maximum Expected Value in Continuous Reinforcement Learning Problems". D'Eramo C. et al.. 2017. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy, approximator, n_iterations, approximator_params=None, fit_params=None, quiet=False): approximator_params['n_models'] = 2 super().__init__(mdp_info, policy, approximator, n_iterations, approximator_params, fit_params, quiet)
[docs] def _fit(self, x): state = list() action = list() reward = list() next_state = list() absorbing = list() half = len(x) // 2 for i in range(2): s, a, r, ss, ab, _ = parse_dataset(x[i * half:(i + 1) * half]) state.append(s) action.append(a) reward.append(r) next_state.append(ss) absorbing.append(ab) if self._target is None: self._target = reward else: for i in range(2): q_i = self.approximator.predict(next_state[i], idx=i) amax_q = np.expand_dims(np.argmax(q_i, axis=1), axis=1) max_q = self.approximator.predict(next_state[i], amax_q, idx=1 - i) if np.any(absorbing[i]): max_q *= 1 - absorbing[i] self._target[i] = reward[i] + self.mdp_info.gamma * max_q for i in range(2):[i], action[i], self._target[i], idx=i, **self._fit_params)