Source code for mushroom_rl.environments.mujoco

import mujoco_py
from mujoco_py import functions as mj_fun
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from mushroom_rl.environments import Environment, MDPInfo
from mushroom_rl.utils.spaces import Box
import glfw

[docs]class ObservationType(Enum): """ An enum indicating the type of data that should be added to the observation of the environment, can be Joint-/Body-/Site- positions and velocities. """ __order__ = "BODY_POS BODY_VEL JOINT_POS JOINT_VEL SITE_POS SITE_VEL" BODY_POS = 0 BODY_VEL = 1 JOINT_POS = 2 JOINT_VEL = 3 SITE_POS = 4 SITE_VEL = 5
[docs]class MuJoCo(Environment): """ Class to create a Mushroom environment using the MuJoCo simulator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_name, actuation_spec, observation_spec, gamma, horizon, n_substeps=1, n_intermediate_steps=1, additional_data_spec=None, collision_groups=None): """ Constructor. Args: file_name (string): The path to the XML file with which the environment should be created; actuation_spec (list): A list specifying the names of the joints which should be controllable by the agent. Can be left empty when all actuators should be used; observation_spec (list): A list containing the names of data that should be made available to the agent as an observation and their type (ObservationType). An entry in the list is given by: (name, type); gamma (float): The discounting factor of the environment; horizon (int): The maximum horizon for the environment; n_substeps (int): The number of substeps to use by the MuJoCo simulator. An action given by the agent will be applied for n_substeps before the agent receives the next observation and can act accordingly; n_intermediate_steps (int): The number of steps between every action taken by the agent. Similar to n_substeps but allows the user to modify, control and access intermediate states. additional_data_spec (list): A list containing the data fields of interest, which should be read from or written to during simulation. The entries are given as the following tuples: (key, name, type) key is a string for later referencing in the "read_data" and "write_data" methods. The name is the name of the object in the XML specification and the type is the ObservationType; collision_groups (list): A list containing groups of geoms for which collisions should be checked during simulation via ``check_collision``. The entries are given as: ``(key, geom_names)``, where key is a string for later referencing in the "check_collision" method, and geom_names is a list of geom names in the XML specification. """ # Create the simulation self._sim = self._load_simulation(file_name, n_substeps) self._n_intermediate_steps = n_intermediate_steps self._viewer = None self._state = None # Read the actuation spec and build the mapping between actions and ids # as well as their limits if len(actuation_spec) == 0: self._action_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(self._sim.model._actuator_name2id))] else: self._action_indices = [] for name in actuation_spec: self._action_indices.append(self._sim.model._actuator_name2id[name]) low = [] high = [] for index in self._action_indices: if self._sim.model.actuator_ctrllimited[index]: low.append(self._sim.model.actuator_ctrlrange[index][0]) high.append(self._sim.model.actuator_ctrlrange[index][1]) else: low.append(-np.inf) high.append(np.inf) action_space = Box(np.array(low), np.array(high)) # Read the observation spec to build a mapping at every step. It is # ensured that the values appear in the order they are specified. if len(observation_spec) == 0: raise AttributeError("No Environment observations were specified. " "Add at least one observation to the observation_spec.") else: self._observation_map = observation_spec # We can only specify limits for the joint positions, all other # information can be potentially unbounded low = [] high = [] for name, ot in self._observation_map: obs_count = len(self._get_observation(name, ot)) if obs_count == 1 and ot == ObservationType.JOINT_POS: joint_range = self._sim.model.jnt_range[self._sim.model._joint_name2id[name]] if not(joint_range[0] == joint_range[1] == 0.0): low.append(joint_range[0]) high.append(joint_range[1]) else: low.extend(-np.inf) high.extend(np.inf) else: low.extend([-np.inf] * obs_count) high.extend([np.inf] * obs_count) observation_space = Box(np.array(low), np.array(high)) # Pre-process the additional data to allow easier writing and reading # to and from arrays in MuJoCo self.additional_data = {} if additional_data_spec is not None: for key, name, ot in additional_data_spec: self.additional_data[key] = (name, ot) # Pre-process the collision groups for "fast" detection of contacts self.collision_groups = {} if collision_groups is not None: for name, geom_names in collision_groups: self.collision_groups[name] = {self._sim.model._geom_name2id[geom_name] for geom_name in geom_names} # Finally, we create the MDP information and call the constructor of # the parent class mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon) super().__init__(mdp_info)
[docs] def seed(self, seed): np.random.seed(seed)
[docs] def reset(self, state=None): mj_fun.mj_resetData(self._sim.model, self._setup() self._state = self._create_observation() return self._state
[docs] def step(self, action): cur_obs = self._state action = self._preprocess_action(action) self._step_init(cur_obs, action) for i in range(self._n_intermediate_steps): ctrl_action = self._compute_action(action)[self._action_indices] = ctrl_action self._simulation_pre_step() self._sim.step() self._simulation_post_step() self._state = self._create_observation() self._step_finalize() reward = self._reward(cur_obs, action, self._state) return self._state, reward, self._is_absorbing(self._state), {}
def render(self): if self._viewer is None: self._viewer = mujoco_py.MjViewer(self._sim) self._viewer.render()
[docs] def stop(self): if self._viewer is not None: v = self._viewer self._viewer = None glfw.destroy_window(v.window) del v
def _get_observation(self, name, otype): if otype == ObservationType.BODY_POS: data = elif otype == ObservationType.BODY_VEL: data = elif otype == ObservationType.JOINT_POS: data = elif otype == ObservationType.JOINT_VEL: data = elif otype == ObservationType.SITE_POS: data = elif otype == ObservationType.SITE_VEL: data = else: raise ValueError('Invalid observation type') if hasattr(data, "__len__"): return data else: return [data] def _create_observation(self): data_obs = [self._get_observation(name, ot) for name, ot in self._observation_map] return np.concatenate(data_obs)
[docs] def _preprocess_action(self, action): """ Compute a transformation of the action provided to the environment. Args: action (np.ndarray): numpy array with the actions provided to the environment. Returns: The action to be used for the current step """ return action
[docs] def _step_init(self, state, action): """ Allows information to be initialized at the start of a step. """ pass
[docs] def _compute_action(self, action): """ Compute a transformation of the action at every intermediate step. Useful to add control signals simulated directly in python. Args: action (np.ndarray): numpy array with the actions provided at every step. Returns: The action to be set in the actual mujoco simulation. """ return action
[docs] def _simulation_pre_step(self): """ Allows information to be accesed and changed at every intermediate step before taking a step in the mujoco simulation. Can be usefull to apply an external force/torque to the specified bodies. ex: apply a force over X to the torso: force = [200, 0, 0] torque = [0, 0, 0][self.sim.model._body_name2id["torso"],:] = force + torque """ pass
[docs] def _simulation_post_step(self): """ Allows information to be accesed at every intermediate step after taking a step in the mujoco simulation. Can be usefull to average forces over all intermediate steps. """ pass
[docs] def _step_finalize(self): """ Allows information to be accesed at the end of a step. """ pass
[docs] def _read_data(self, name): """ Read data form the MuJoCo data structure. Args: name (string): A name referring to an entry contained the additional_data_spec list handed to the constructor. Returns: The desired data as a one-dimensional numpy array. """ data_id, otype = self.additional_data[name] return np.array(self._get_observation(data_id, otype))
[docs] def _write_data(self, name, value): """ Write data to the MuJoCo data structure. Args: name (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the additional_data_spec list handed to the constructor; value (ndarray): The data that should be written. """ data_id, otype = self.additional_data[name] if otype == ObservationType.JOINT_POS:, value) elif otype == ObservationType.JOINT_VEL:, value) else: data_buffer = self._get_observation(data_id, otype) data_buffer[:] = value
[docs] def _check_collision(self, group1, group2): """ Check for collision between the specified groups. Args: group1 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor; group2 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor. Returns: A flag indicating whether a collision occurred between the given groups or not. """ ids1 = self.collision_groups[group1] ids2 = self.collision_groups[group2] for coni in range(0, con =[coni] collision = con.geom1 in ids1 and con.geom2 in ids2 collision_trans = con.geom1 in ids2 and con.geom2 in ids1 if collision or collision_trans: return True return False
[docs] def _get_collision_force(self, group1, group2): """ Returns the collision force and torques between the specified groups. Args: group1 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor; group2 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor. Returns: A 6D vector specifying the collision forces/torques[3D force + 3D torque] between the given groups. Vector of 0's in case there was no collision. """ ids1 = self.collision_groups[group1] ids2 = self.collision_groups[group2] c_array = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64) for con_i in range(0, con =[con_i] if (con.geom1 in ids1 and con.geom2 in ids2 or con.geom1 in ids2 and con.geom2 in ids1): mujoco_py.functions.mj_contactForce(self._sim.model,, con_i, c_array) return c_array return c_array
[docs] def _reward(self, state, action, next_state): """ Compute the reward based on the given transition. Args: state (np.array): the current state of the system; action (np.array): the action that is applied in the current state; next_state (np.array): the state reached after applying the given action. Returns: The reward as a floating point scalar value. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _is_absorbing(self, state): """ Check whether the given state is an absorbing state or not. Args: state (np.array): the state of the system. Returns: A boolean flag indicating whether this state is absorbing or not. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _setup(self): """ A function that allows to execute setup code after an environment reset. """ pass
[docs] def _load_simulation(self, file_name, n_substeps): """ Load mujoco model. Can be overridden to provide custom load functions. Args: file_name (string): The path to the XML file with which the environment should be created; n_substeps (int): The number of substeps to use by the MuJoCo simulator. An action given by the agent will be applied for n_substeps before the agent receives the next observation and can act accordingly. Returns: The loaded mujoco model. """ return mujoco_py.MjSim(mujoco_py.load_model_from_path(file_name), nsubsteps=n_substeps)
@property def _dt(self): return self._sim.model.opt.timestep