Source code for mushroom_rl.environments.inverted_pendulum

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint

from mushroom_rl.core import Environment, MDPInfo
from mushroom_rl.utils import spaces
from mushroom_rl.utils.angles import normalize_angle
from mushroom_rl.utils.viewer import Viewer

[docs]class InvertedPendulum(Environment): """ The Inverted Pendulum environment (continuous version) as presented in: "Reinforcement Learning In Continuous Time and Space". Doya K.. 2000. "Off-Policy Actor-Critic". Degris T. et al.. 2012. "Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithms". Silver D. et al. 2014. """
[docs] def __init__(self, random_start=False, m=1., l=1., g=9.8, mu=1e-2, max_u=5., horizon=5000, gamma=.99): """ Constructor. Args: random_start (bool, False): whether to start from a random position or from the horizontal one; m (float, 1.0): mass of the pendulum; l (float, 1.0): length of the pendulum; g (float, 9.8): gravity acceleration constant; mu (float, 1e-2): friction constant of the pendulum; max_u (float, 5.0): maximum allowed input torque; horizon (int, 5000): horizon of the problem; gamma (int, .99): discount factor. """ # MDP parameters self._m = m self._l = l self._g = g self._mu = mu self._random = random_start self._dt = .01 self._max_u = max_u self._max_omega = 5 / 2 * np.pi high = np.array([np.pi, self._max_omega]) # MDP properties observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high) action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([-max_u]), high=np.array([max_u])) mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon) # Visualization self._viewer = Viewer(2.5 * l, 2.5 * l) self._last_u = None super().__init__(mdp_info)
[docs] def reset(self, state=None): if state is None: if self._random: angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi) else: angle = np.pi / 2 self._state = np.array([angle, 0.]) else: self._state = state self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0]) self._state[1] = self._bound(self._state[1], -self._max_omega, self._max_omega) self._last_u = 0.0 return self._state
[docs] def step(self, action): u = self._bound(action[0], -self._max_u, self._max_u) new_state = odeint(self._dynamics, self._state, [0, self._dt], (u,)) self._state = np.array(new_state[-1]) self._state[0] = normalize_angle(self._state[0]) self._state[1] = self._bound(self._state[1], -self._max_omega, self._max_omega) reward = np.cos(self._state[0]) self._last_u = u.item() return self._state, reward, False, {}
def render(self, mode='human'): start = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2) end = 1.25 * self._l * np.ones(2) end[0] += self._l * np.sin(self._state[0]) end[1] += self._l * np.cos(self._state[0]) self._viewer.line(start, end), self._l / 40), self._l / 20) self._viewer.torque_arrow(start, -self._last_u, self._max_u, self._l / 5) self._viewer.display(self._dt)
[docs] def stop(self): self._viewer.close()
def _dynamics(self, state, t, u): theta = state[0] omega = self._bound(state[1], -self._max_omega, self._max_omega) d_theta = omega d_omega = (-self._mu * omega + self._m * self._g * self._l * np.sin( theta) + u) / (self._m * self._l**2) return d_theta, d_omega