Source code for mushroom_rl.policy.torch_policy

import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from mushroom_rl.policy import Policy
from mushroom_rl.approximators import Regressor
from mushroom_rl.approximators.parametric import TorchApproximator
from mushroom_rl.utils.torch import to_float_tensor
from mushroom_rl.utils.parameters import to_parameter

from itertools import chain

[docs]class TorchPolicy(Policy): """ Interface for a generic PyTorch policy. A PyTorch policy is a policy implemented as a neural network using PyTorch. Functions ending with '_t' use tensors as input, and also as output when required. """
[docs] def __init__(self, use_cuda): """ Constructor. Args: use_cuda (bool): whether to use cuda or not. """ self._use_cuda = use_cuda self._add_save_attr(_use_cuda='primitive')
[docs] def __call__(self, state, action): s = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(state), self._use_cuda) a = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(action), self._use_cuda) return np.exp(self.log_prob_t(s, a).item())
[docs] def draw_action(self, state): with torch.no_grad(): s = to_float_tensor(np.atleast_2d(state), self._use_cuda) a = self.draw_action_t(s) return torch.squeeze(a, dim=0).detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] def distribution(self, state): """ Compute the policy distribution in the given states. Args: state (np.ndarray): the set of states where the distribution is computed. Returns: The torch distribution for the provided states. """ s = to_float_tensor(state, self._use_cuda) return self.distribution_t(s)
[docs] def entropy(self, state=None): """ Compute the entropy of the policy. Args: state (np.ndarray, None): the set of states to consider. If the entropy of the policy can be computed in closed form, then ``state`` can be None. Returns: The value of the entropy of the policy. """ s = to_float_tensor(state, self._use_cuda) if state is not None else None return self.entropy_t(s).detach().cpu().numpy().item()
[docs] def draw_action_t(self, state): """ Draw an action given a tensor. Args: state (torch.Tensor): set of states. Returns: The tensor of the actions to perform in each state. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_prob_t(self, state, action): """ Compute the logarithm of the probability of taking ``action`` in ``state``. Args: state (torch.Tensor): set of states. action (torch.Tensor): set of actions. Returns: The tensor of log-probability. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def entropy_t(self, state): """ Compute the entropy of the policy. Args: state (torch.Tensor): the set of states to consider. If the entropy of the policy can be computed in closed form, then ``state`` can be None. Returns: The tensor value of the entropy of the policy. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def distribution_t(self, state): """ Compute the policy distribution in the given states. Args: state (torch.Tensor): the set of states where the distribution is computed. Returns: The torch distribution for the provided states. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """ Setter. Args: weights (np.ndarray): the vector of the new weights to be used by the policy. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_weights(self): """ Getter. Returns: The current policy weights. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def parameters(self): """ Returns the trainable policy parameters, as expected by torch optimizers. Returns: List of parameters to be optimized. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): pass
@property def use_cuda(self): """ True if the policy is using cuda_tensors. """ return self._use_cuda
[docs]class GaussianTorchPolicy(TorchPolicy): """ Torch policy implementing a Gaussian policy with trainable standard deviation. The standard deviation is not state-dependent. """
[docs] def __init__(self, network, input_shape, output_shape, std_0=1., use_cuda=False, **params): """ Constructor. Args: network (object): the network class used to implement the mean regressor; input_shape (tuple): the shape of the state space; output_shape (tuple): the shape of the action space; std_0 (float, 1.): initial standard deviation; params (dict): parameters used by the network constructor. """ super().__init__(use_cuda) self._action_dim = output_shape[0] self._mu = Regressor(TorchApproximator, input_shape, output_shape, network=network, use_cuda=use_cuda, **params) self._predict_params = dict() log_sigma_init = (torch.ones(self._action_dim) * np.log(std_0)).float() if self._use_cuda: log_sigma_init = log_sigma_init.cuda() self._log_sigma = nn.Parameter(log_sigma_init) self._add_save_attr( _action_dim='primitive', _mu='mushroom', _predict_params='pickle', _log_sigma='torch' )
[docs] def draw_action_t(self, state): return self.distribution_t(state).sample().detach()
[docs] def log_prob_t(self, state, action): return self.distribution_t(state).log_prob(action)[:, None]
[docs] def entropy_t(self, state=None): return self._action_dim / 2 * np.log(2 * np.pi * np.e) + torch.sum(self._log_sigma)
[docs] def distribution_t(self, state): mu, sigma = self.get_mean_and_covariance(state) return torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(loc=mu, covariance_matrix=sigma)
def get_mean_and_covariance(self, state): return self._mu(state, **self._predict_params, output_tensor=True), torch.diag(torch.exp(2 * self._log_sigma))
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): log_sigma_data = torch.from_numpy(weights[-self._action_dim:]) if self.use_cuda: log_sigma_data = log_sigma_data.cuda() = log_sigma_data self._mu.set_weights(weights[:-self._action_dim])
[docs] def get_weights(self): mu_weights = self._mu.get_weights() sigma_weights = return np.concatenate([mu_weights, sigma_weights])
[docs] def parameters(self): return chain(, [self._log_sigma])
[docs]class BoltzmannTorchPolicy(TorchPolicy): """ Torch policy implementing a Boltzmann policy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, network, input_shape, output_shape, beta, use_cuda=False, **params): """ Constructor. Args: network (object): the network class used to implement the mean regressor; input_shape (tuple): the shape of the state space; output_shape (tuple): the shape of the action space; beta ((float, Parameter)): the inverse of the temperature distribution. As the temperature approaches infinity, the policy becomes more and more random. As the temperature approaches 0.0, the policy becomes more and more greedy. params (dict): parameters used by the network constructor. """ super().__init__(use_cuda) self._action_dim = output_shape[0] self._predict_params = dict() self._logits = Regressor(TorchApproximator, input_shape, output_shape, network=network, use_cuda=use_cuda, **params) self._beta = to_parameter(beta) self._add_save_attr( _action_dim='primitive', _predict_params='pickle', _beta='mushroom', _logits='mushroom' )
[docs] def draw_action_t(self, state): action = self.distribution_t(state).sample().detach() if len(action.shape) > 1: return action else: return action.unsqueeze(0)
[docs] def log_prob_t(self, state, action): return self.distribution_t(state).log_prob(action.squeeze())[:, None]
[docs] def entropy_t(self, state): return torch.mean(self.distribution_t(state).entropy())
[docs] def distribution_t(self, state): logits = self._logits(state, **self._predict_params, output_tensor=True) * self._beta(state.numpy()) return torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): self._logits.set_weights(weights)
[docs] def get_weights(self): return self._logits.get_weights()
[docs] def parameters(self): return
def set_beta(self, beta): self._beta = to_parameter(beta)