Source code for mushroom_rl.core.agent

from mushroom_rl.core.serialization import Serializable
from .array_backend import ArrayBackend

[docs]class AgentInfo(Serializable):
[docs] def __init__(self, is_episodic, policy_state_shape, backend): assert isinstance(is_episodic, bool) assert policy_state_shape is None or isinstance(policy_state_shape, tuple) assert isinstance(backend, str) self.is_episodic = is_episodic self.is_stateful = policy_state_shape is not None self.policy_state_shape = policy_state_shape self.backend = backend self._add_save_attr( is_episodic='primitive', is_stateful='primitive', policy_state_shape='primitive', backend='primitive' )
[docs]class Agent(Serializable): """ This class implements the functions to manage the agent (e.g. move the agent following its policy). """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, policy, is_episodic=False, backend='numpy'): """ Constructor. Args: mdp_info (MDPInfo): information about the MDP; policy (Policy): the policy followed by the agent; is_episodic (bool, False): whether the agent is learning in an episodic fashion or not; backend (str, 'numpy'): array backend to be used by the algorithm. """ self.mdp_info = mdp_info self._info = AgentInfo( is_episodic=is_episodic, policy_state_shape=policy.policy_state_shape, backend=backend ) self.policy = policy self.next_action = None self._agent_backend = ArrayBackend.get_array_backend(backend) self._env_backend = ArrayBackend.get_array_backend(self.mdp_info.backend) self._core_preprocessors = list() self._agent_preprocessors = list() self._logger = None self._add_save_attr( policy='mushroom', next_action='none', mdp_info='mushroom', _info='mushroom', _agent_backend='primitive', _env_backend='primitive', _core_preprocessors='mushroom', _agent_preprocessors='mushroom', _logger='none' )
[docs] def fit(self, dataset): """ Fit step. Args: dataset (Dataset): the dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError('Agent is an abstract class')
[docs] def draw_action(self, state, policy_state=None): """ Return the action to execute in the given state. It is the action returned by the policy or the action set by the algorithm (e.g. in the case of SARSA). Args: state: the state where the agent is; policy_state: the policy internal state. Returns: The action to be executed. """ if self.next_action is None: state = self._convert_to_agent_backend(state) state = self._agent_preprocess(state) policy_state = self._convert_to_agent_backend(policy_state) action, next_policy_state = self.policy.draw_action(state, policy_state) else: action = self.next_action next_policy_state = None # FIXME self.next_action = None return self._convert_to_env_backend(action), self._convert_to_env_backend(next_policy_state)
[docs] def episode_start(self, initial_state, episode_info): """ Called by the Core when a new episode starts. Args: initial_state (Array): vector representing the initial state of the environment. episode_info (dict): a dictionary containing the information at reset, such as context. Returns: A tuple containing the policy initial state and, optionally, the policy parameters """ return self._convert_to_env_backend(self.policy.reset()), None
[docs] def episode_start_vectorized(self, initial_states, episode_info, start_mask): """ Called by the VectorCore when a new episode starts. Args: initial_states (Array): the initial states of the environment. episode_info (dict): a dictionary containing the information at reset, such as context; start_mask (Array): boolean mask to select the environments that are starting a new episode Returns: A tuple containing the policy initial states and, optionally, the policy parameters """ return self.episode_start(initial_states, episode_info)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Method used to stop an agent. Useful when dealing with real world environments, simulators, or to cleanup environments internals after a core learn/evaluate to enforce consistency. """ pass
[docs] def set_logger(self, logger): """ Setter that can be used to pass a logger to the algorithm Args: logger (Logger): the logger to be used by the algorithm. """ self._logger = logger
[docs] def add_core_preprocessor(self, preprocessor): """ Add preprocessor to the core's preprocessor list. The preprocessors are applied in order. Args: preprocessor (object): state preprocessors to be applied to state variables before feeding them to the agent. """ self._core_preprocessors.append(preprocessor)
[docs] def add_agent_preprocessor(self, preprocessor): """ Add preprocessor to the agent's preprocessor list. The preprocessors are applied in order. Args: preprocessor (object): state preprocessors to be applied to state variables before feeding them to the agent. """ self._agent_preprocessors.append(preprocessor)
@property def core_preprocessors(self): """ Access to core's state preprocessors stored in the agent. """ return self._core_preprocessors def _convert_to_env_backend(self, array): return self._env_backend.convert_to_backend(self._agent_backend, array) def _convert_to_agent_backend(self, array): return self._agent_backend.convert_to_backend(self._env_backend, array)
[docs] def _agent_preprocess(self, state): """ Applies all the agent's preprocessors to the state. Args: state (Array): the state where the agent is; Returns: The preprocessed state. """ for p in self._agent_preprocessors: state = p(state) return state
[docs] def _update_agent_preprocessor(self, state): """ Updates the stats of all the agent's preprocessors given the state. Args: state (Array): the state where the agent is; """ for i, p in enumerate(self._agent_preprocessors, 1): p.update(state) if i < len(self._agent_preprocessors): state = p(state)
@property def info(self): return self._info