Source code for mushroom_rl.environments.generators.grid_world

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.environments.finite_mdp import FiniteMDP

[docs]def generate_grid_world(grid, prob, pos_rew, neg_rew, gamma=.9, horizon=100): """ This Grid World generator requires a .txt file to specify the shape of the grid world and the cells. There are five types of cells: 'S' is the starting position where the agent is; 'G' is the goal state; '.' is a normal cell; '*' is a hole, when the agent steps on a hole, it receives a negative reward and the episode ends; '#' is a wall, when the agent is supposed to step on a wall, it actually remains in its current state. The initial states distribution is uniform among all the initial states provided. The grid is expected to be rectangular. Args: grid (str): the path of the file containing the grid structure; prob (float): probability of success of an action; pos_rew (float): reward obtained in goal states; neg_rew (float): reward obtained in "hole" states; gamma (float, .9): discount factor; horizon (int, 100): the horizon. Returns: A FiniteMDP object built with the provided parameters. """ grid_map, cell_list = parse_grid(grid) p = compute_probabilities(grid_map, cell_list, prob) r = compute_reward(grid_map, cell_list, pos_rew, neg_rew) mu = compute_mu(grid_map, cell_list) return FiniteMDP(p, r, mu, gamma, horizon)
[docs]def parse_grid(grid): """ Parse the grid file: Args: grid (str): the path of the file containing the grid structure; Returns: A list containing the grid structure. """ grid_map = list() cell_list = list() with open(grid, 'r') as f: m = assert 'S' in m and 'G' in m row = list() row_idx = 0 col_idx = 0 for c in m: if c in ['#', '.', 'S', 'G', '*']: row.append(c) if c in ['.', 'S', 'G', '*']: cell_list.append([row_idx, col_idx]) col_idx += 1 elif c == '\n': grid_map.append(row) row = list() row_idx += 1 col_idx = 0 else: raise ValueError('Unknown marker.') return grid_map, cell_list
[docs]def compute_probabilities(grid_map, cell_list, prob): """ Compute the transition probability matrix. Args: grid_map (list): list containing the grid structure; cell_list (list): list of non-wall cells; prob (float): probability of success of an action. Returns: The transition probability matrix; """ g = np.array(grid_map) c = np.array(cell_list) n_states = len(cell_list) p = np.zeros((n_states, 4, n_states)) directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]] for i in range(len(c)): state = c[i] if g[tuple(state)] in ['.', 'S']: for a in range(len(directions)): new_state = state + directions[a] j = np.where((c == new_state).all(axis=1))[0] if j.size > 0: assert j.size == 1 p[i, a, i] = 1. - prob p[i, a, j] = prob else: p[i, a, i] = 1. return p
[docs]def compute_reward(grid_map, cell_list, pos_rew, neg_rew): """ Compute the reward matrix. Args: grid_map (list): list containing the grid structure; cell_list (list): list of non-wall cells; pos_rew (float): reward obtained in goal states; neg_rew (float): reward obtained in "hole" states; Returns: The reward matrix. """ g = np.array(grid_map) c = np.array(cell_list) n_states = len(c) r = np.zeros((n_states, 4, n_states)) directions = [[-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]] def give_reward(t, rew): for x in np.argwhere(g == t): j = np.where((c == x).all(axis=1))[0] for a in range(len(directions)): prev_state = x - directions[a] if prev_state.tolist() in c.tolist(): i = np.where((c == prev_state).all(axis=1))[0] r[i, a, j] = rew give_reward('G', pos_rew) give_reward('*', neg_rew) return r
[docs]def compute_mu(grid_map, cell_list): """ Compute the initial states distribution. Args: grid_map (list): list containing the grid structure; cell_list (list): list of non-wall cells. Returns: The initial states distribution. """ g = np.array(grid_map) c = np.array(cell_list) n_states = len(c) mu = np.zeros(n_states) starts = np.argwhere(g == 'S') for s in starts: i = np.where((c == s).all(axis=1))[0] mu[i] = 1. / len(starts) return mu