Source code for mushroom_rl.environments.mujoco

import mujoco
import numpy as np
from dm_control import mjcf
from mushroom_rl.core import Environment, MDPInfo
from mushroom_rl.rl_utils.spaces import Box
from mushroom_rl.utils.mujoco import *

[docs]class MuJoCo(Environment): """ Class to create a Mushroom environment using the MuJoCo simulator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xml_file, actuation_spec, observation_spec, gamma, horizon, timestep=None, n_substeps=1, n_intermediate_steps=1, additional_data_spec=None, collision_groups=None, max_joint_vel=None, **viewer_params): """ Constructor. Args: xml_file (str/xml handle): A string with a path to the xml or an Mujoco xml handle. actuation_spec (list): A list specifying the names of the joints which should be controllable by the agent. Can be left empty when all actuators should be used; observation_spec (list): A list containing the names of data that should be made available to the agent as an observation and their type (ObservationType). They are combined with a key, which is used to access the data. An entry in the list is given by: (key, name, type). The name can later be used to retrieve specific observations; gamma (float): The discounting factor of the environment; horizon (int): The maximum horizon for the environment; timestep (float): The timestep used by the MuJoCo simulator. If None, the default timestep specified in the XML will be used; n_substeps (int, 1): The number of substeps to use by the MuJoCo simulator. An action given by the agent will be applied for n_substeps before the agent receives the next observation and can act accordingly; n_intermediate_steps (int, 1): The number of steps between every action taken by the agent. Similar to n_substeps but allows the user to modify, control and access intermediate states. additional_data_spec (list, None): A list containing the data fields of interest, which should be read from or written to during simulation. The entries are given as the following tuples: (key, name, type) key is a string for later referencing in the "read_data" and "write_data" methods. The name is the name of the object in the XML specification and the type is the ObservationType; collision_groups (list, None): A list containing groups of geoms for which collisions should be checked during simulation via ``check_collision``. The entries are given as: ``(key, geom_names)``, where key is a string for later referencing in the "check_collision" method, and geom_names is a list of geom names in the XML specification. max_joint_vel (list, None): A list with the maximum joint velocities which are provided in the mdp_info. The list has to define a maximum velocity for every occurrence of JOINT_VEL in the observation_spec. The velocity will not be limited in mujoco **viewer_params: other parameters to be passed to the viewer. See MujocoViewer documentation for the available options. """ # Create the simulation self._model = self.load_model(xml_file) if timestep is not None: self._model.opt.timestep = timestep self._timestep = timestep else: self._timestep = self._model.opt.timestep self._data = mujoco.MjData(self._model) self._n_intermediate_steps = n_intermediate_steps self._n_substeps = n_substeps self._viewer_params = viewer_params self._viewer = None self._obs = None # Read the actuation spec and build the mapping between actions and ids # as well as their limits self._action_indices = self.get_action_indices(self._model, self._data, actuation_spec) action_space = self.get_action_space(self._action_indices, self._model) # Read the observation spec to build a mapping at every step. It is # ensured that the values appear in the order they are specified. self.obs_helper = ObservationHelper(observation_spec, self._model, self._data, max_joint_velocity=max_joint_vel) observation_space = Box(*self.obs_helper.get_obs_limits()) # Pre-process the additional data to allow easier writing and reading # to and from arrays in MuJoCo self.additional_data = {} if additional_data_spec is not None: for key, name, ot in additional_data_spec: self.additional_data[key] = (name, ot) # Pre-process the collision groups for "fast" detection of contacts self.collision_groups = {} if collision_groups is not None: for name, geom_names in collision_groups: col_group = list() for geom_name in geom_names: mj_id = mujoco.mj_name2id(self._model, mujoco.mjtObj.mjOBJ_GEOM, geom_name) assert mj_id != -1, f"geom \"{geom_name}\" not found! Can't be used for collision-checking." col_group.append(mj_id) self.collision_groups[name] = set(col_group) # Finally, we create the MDP information and call the constructor of # the parent class mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon, self.dt) mdp_info = self._modify_mdp_info(mdp_info) # set the warning callback to stop the simulation when a mujoco warning occurs mujoco.set_mju_user_warning(self.user_warning_raise_exception) # check whether the function compute_action was overridden or not. If yes, we want to compute # the action at simulation frequency, if not we do it at control frequency. if type(self)._compute_action == MuJoCo._compute_action: self._recompute_action_per_step = False else: self._recompute_action_per_step = True super().__init__(mdp_info)
[docs] def seed(self, seed): np.random.seed(seed)
[docs] def reset(self, obs=None): mujoco.mj_resetData(self._model, self._data) self.setup(obs) self._obs = self._create_observation(self.obs_helper._build_obs(self._data)) return self._modify_observation(self._obs), {}
[docs] def step(self, action): cur_obs = self._obs.copy() action = self._preprocess_action(action) self._step_init(cur_obs, action) ctrl_action = None for i in range(self._n_intermediate_steps): if self._recompute_action_per_step or ctrl_action is None: ctrl_action = self._compute_action(cur_obs, action) self._data.ctrl[self._action_indices] = ctrl_action self._simulation_pre_step() mujoco.mj_step(self._model, self._data, self._n_substeps) self._simulation_post_step() if self._recompute_action_per_step: cur_obs = self._create_observation(self.obs_helper._build_obs(self._data)) if not self._recompute_action_per_step: cur_obs = self._create_observation(self.obs_helper._build_obs(self._data)) self._step_finalize() absorbing = self.is_absorbing(cur_obs) reward = self.reward(self._obs, action, cur_obs, absorbing) info = self._create_info_dictionary(cur_obs) self._obs = cur_obs return self._modify_observation(cur_obs), reward, absorbing, info
[docs] def render(self, record=False): if self._viewer is None: self._viewer = MujocoViewer(self._model, self.dt, record=record, **self._viewer_params) return self._viewer.render(self._data, record)
[docs] def stop(self): if self._viewer is not None: self._viewer.stop() del self._viewer self._viewer = None
[docs] def _modify_mdp_info(self, mdp_info): """ This method can be overridden to modify the automatically generated MDPInfo data structure. By default, returns the given mdp_info structure unchanged. Args: mdp_info (MDPInfo): the MDPInfo structure automatically computed by the environment. Returns: The modified MDPInfo data structure. """ return mdp_info
[docs] def _create_observation(self, obs): """ This method can be overridden to create a custom observation. Should be used to append observation which have been registered via obs_help.add_obs(self, name, o_type, length, min_value, max_value) Args: obs (np.ndarray): the generated observation Returns: The environment observation. """ return obs
[docs] def _create_info_dictionary(self, obs): """ This method can be overridden to create a custom info dictionary. Args: obs (np.ndarray): the generated observation Returns: The information dictionary. """ return {}
[docs] def _modify_observation(self, obs): """ This method can be overridden to edit the created observation. This is done after the reward and absorbing functions are evaluated. Especially useful to transform the observation into different frames. If the original observation order is not preserved, the helper functions in ObervationHelper breaks. Args: obs (np.ndarray): the generated observation Returns: The environment observation. """ return obs
[docs] def _preprocess_action(self, action): """ Compute a transformation of the action provided to the environment. Args: action (np.ndarray): numpy array with the actions provided to the environment. Returns: The action to be used for the current step """ return action
[docs] def _step_init(self, obs, action): """ Allows information to be initialized at the start of a step. """ pass
[docs] def _compute_action(self, obs, action): """ Compute a transformation of the action at every intermediate step. Useful to add control signals simulated directly in python. Args: obs (np.ndarray): numpy array with the current state of teh simulation; action (np.ndarray): numpy array with the actions, provided at every step. Returns: The action to be set in the actual pybullet simulation. """ return action
[docs] def _simulation_pre_step(self): """ Allows information to be accesed and changed at every intermediate step before taking a step in the mujoco simulation. Can be usefull to apply an external force/torque to the specified bodies. ex: apply a force over X to the torso: force = [200, 0, 0] torque = [0, 0, 0][self.sim.model._body_name2id["torso"],:] = force + torque """ pass
[docs] def _simulation_post_step(self): """ Allows information to be accesed at every intermediate step after taking a step in the mujoco simulation. Can be usefull to average forces over all intermediate steps. """ pass
[docs] def _step_finalize(self): """ Allows information to be accesed at the end of a step. """ pass
[docs] def _read_data(self, name): """ Read data form the MuJoCo data structure. Args: name (string): A name referring to an entry contained the additional_data_spec list handed to the constructor. Returns: The desired data as a one-dimensional numpy array. """ data_id, otype = self.additional_data[name] return np.array(self.obs_helper.get_state(self._data, data_id, otype))
[docs] def _write_data(self, name, value): """ Write data to the MuJoCo data structure. Args: name (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the additional_data_spec list handed to the constructor; value (ndarray): The data that should be written. """ data_id, otype = self.additional_data[name] if otype == ObservationType.JOINT_POS: self._data.joint(data_id).qpos = value elif otype == ObservationType.JOINT_VEL: self._data.joint(data_id).qvel = value else: data_buffer = self.obs_helper.get_state(self._data, data_id, otype) data_buffer[:] = value
[docs] def _check_collision(self, group1, group2): """ Check for collision between the specified groups. Args: group1 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor; group2 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor. Returns: A flag indicating whether a collision occurred between the given groups or not. """ ids1 = self.collision_groups[group1] ids2 = self.collision_groups[group2] for coni in range(0, self._data.ncon): con =[coni] collision = con.geom1 in ids1 and con.geom2 in ids2 collision_trans = con.geom1 in ids2 and con.geom2 in ids1 if collision or collision_trans: return True return False
[docs] def _get_collision_force(self, group1, group2): """ Returns the collision force and torques between the specified groups. Args: group1 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor; group2 (string): A name referring to an entry contained in the collision_groups list handed to the constructor. Returns: A 6D vector specifying the collision forces/torques[3D force + 3D torque] between the given groups. Vector of 0's in case there was no collision. """ ids1 = self.collision_groups[group1] ids2 = self.collision_groups[group2] c_array = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64) for con_i in range(0, self._data.ncon): con =[con_i] if (con.geom1 in ids1 and con.geom2 in ids2 or con.geom1 in ids2 and con.geom2 in ids1): mujoco.mj_contactForce(self._model, self._data, con_i, c_array) return c_array return c_array
[docs] def reward(self, obs, action, next_obs, absorbing): """ Compute the reward based on the given transition. Args: obs (np.array): the current state of the system; action (np.array): the action that is applied in the current state; next_obs (np.array): the state reached after applying the given action. absorbing (bool): whether next_state is an absorbing state or not. Returns: The reward as a floating point scalar value. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_absorbing(self, obs): """ Check whether the given state is an absorbing state or not. Args: obs (np.array): the state of the system. Returns: A boolean flag indicating whether this state is absorbing or not. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setup(self, obs): """ A function that allows to execute setup code after an environment reset. """ if obs is not None: self.obs_helper._modify_data(self._data, obs)
[docs] def get_all_observation_keys(self): """ A function that returns all observation keys defined in the observation specification. Returns: A list of observation keys. """ return self.obs_helper.get_all_observation_keys()
@property def dt(self): return self._timestep * self._n_intermediate_steps * self._n_substeps
[docs] @staticmethod def get_action_indices(model, data, actuation_spec): """ Returns the action indices given the MuJoCo model, data, and actuation_spec. Args: model: MuJoCo model. data: MuJoCo data structure. actuation_spec (list): A list specifying the names of the joints which should be controllable by the agent. Can be left empty when all actuators should be used; Returns: A list of actuator indices. """ if len(actuation_spec) == 0: action_indices = [i for i in range(0, len(data.actuator_force))] else: action_indices = [] for name in actuation_spec: action_indices.append(model.actuator(name).id) return action_indices
[docs] @staticmethod def get_action_space(action_indices, model): """ Returns the action space bounding box given the action_indices and the model. Args: action_indices (list): A list of actuator indices. model: MuJoCo model. Returns: A bounding box for the action space. """ low = [] high = [] for index in action_indices: if model.actuator_ctrllimited[index]: low.append(model.actuator_ctrlrange[index][0]) high.append(model.actuator_ctrlrange[index][1]) else: low.append(-np.inf) high.append(np.inf) action_space = Box(np.array(low), np.array(high)) return action_space
[docs] @staticmethod def user_warning_raise_exception(warning): """ Detects warnings in Mujoco and raises the respective exception. Args: warning: Mujoco warning. """ if 'Pre-allocated constraint buffer is full' in warning: raise RuntimeError(warning + 'Increase njmax in mujoco XML') elif 'Pre-allocated contact buffer is full' in warning: raise RuntimeError(warning + 'Increase njconmax in mujoco XML') elif 'Unknown warning type' in warning: raise RuntimeError(warning + 'Check for NaN in simulation.') else: raise RuntimeError('Got MuJoCo Warning: ' + warning)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_model(xml_file): """ Takes an xml_file and compiles and loads the model. Args: xml_file (str/xml handle): A string with a path to the xml or an Mujoco xml handle. Returns: Mujoco model. """ if type(xml_file) == mjcf.element.RootElement: # load from xml handle model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_string(xml=xml_file.to_xml_string(), assets=xml_file.get_assets()) elif type(xml_file) == str: # load from path model = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_path(xml_file) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type for xml_file {type(xml_file)}.") return model
[docs]class MultiMuJoCo(MuJoCo): """ Class to create N environments at the same time using the MuJoCo simulator. This class is not meant to run N environments in parallel, but to load and create N environments, and randomly sample one of the environment every episode. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xml_files, actuation_spec, observation_spec, gamma, horizon, timestep=None, n_substeps=1, n_intermediate_steps=1, additional_data_spec=None, collision_groups=None, max_joint_vel=None, random_env_reset=True, **viewer_params): """ Constructor. Args: xml_files (str/xml handle): A list containing strings with a path to the xml or Mujoco xml handles; actuation_spec (list): A list specifying the names of the joints which should be controllable by the agent. Can be left empty when all actuators should be used; observation_spec (list): A list containing the names of data that should be made available to the agent as an observation and their type (ObservationType). They are combined with a key, which is used to access the data. An entry in the list is given by: (key, name, type); gamma (float): The discounting factor of the environment; horizon (int): The maximum horizon for the environment; timestep (float): The timestep used by the MuJoCo simulator. If None, the default timestep specified in the XML will be used; n_substeps (int, 1): The number of substeps to use by the MuJoCo simulator. An action given by the agent will be applied for n_substeps before the agent receives the next observation and can act accordingly; n_intermediate_steps (int, 1): The number of steps between every action taken by the agent. Similar to n_substeps but allows the user to modify, control and access intermediate states. additional_data_spec (list, None): A list containing the data fields of interest, which should be read from or written to during simulation. The entries are given as the following tuples: (key, name, type) key is a string for later referencing in the "read_data" and "write_data" methods. The name is the name of the object in the XML specification and the type is the ObservationType; collision_groups (list, None): A list containing groups of geoms for which collisions should be checked during simulation via ``check_collision``. The entries are given as: ``(key, geom_names)``, where key is a string for later referencing in the "check_collision" method, and geom_names is a list of geom names in the XML specification. max_joint_vel (list, None): A list with the maximum joint velocities which are provided in the mdp_info. The list has to define a maximum velocity for every occurrence of JOINT_VEL in the observation_spec. The velocity will not be limited in mujoco. random_env_reset (bool): If True, a random environment/model is chosen after each episode. If False, it is sequentially iterated through the environment/model list. **viewer_params: other parameters to be passed to the viewer. See MujocoViewer documentation for the available options. """ # Create the simulation self._random_env_reset = random_env_reset self._models = [self.load_model(f) for f in xml_files] self._current_model_idx = 0 self._model = self._models[self._current_model_idx] if timestep is not None: self._model.opt.timestep = timestep self._timestep = timestep else: self._timestep = self._model.opt.timestep self._datas = [mujoco.MjData(m) for m in self._models] self._data = self._datas[self._current_model_idx] self._n_intermediate_steps = n_intermediate_steps self._n_substeps = n_substeps self._viewer_params = viewer_params self._viewer = None self._obs = None # Read the actuation spec and build the mapping between actions and ids # as well as their limits self._action_indices = self.get_action_indices(self._model, self._data, actuation_spec) action_space = self.get_action_space(self._action_indices, self._model) # all env need to have the same action space, do sanity check for m, d in zip(self._models, self._datas): action_ind = self.get_action_indices(m, d, actuation_spec) action_sp = self.get_action_space(action_ind, m) if not np.array_equal(action_ind, self._action_indices) or \ not np.array_equal(action_space.low, action_sp.low) or\ not np.array_equal(action_space.high, action_sp.high): raise ValueError("The provided environments differ in the their action spaces. " "This is not allowed.") # Read the observation spec to build a mapping at every step. It is # ensured that the values appear in the order they are specified. self.obs_helpers = [ObservationHelper(observation_spec, self._model, self._data, max_joint_velocity=max_joint_vel) for m, d in zip(self._models, self._datas)] self.obs_helper = self.obs_helpers[self._current_model_idx] observation_space = Box(*self.obs_helper.get_obs_limits()) # multi envs with different obs limits are now allowed, do sanity check for oh in self.obs_helpers: low, high = self.obs_helper.get_obs_limits() if not np.array_equal(low, observation_space.low) or not np.array_equal(high, observation_space.high): raise ValueError("The provided environments differ in the their observation limits. " "This is not allowed.") # Pre-process the additional data to allow easier writing and reading # to and from arrays in MuJoCo self.additional_data = {} if additional_data_spec is not None: for key, name, ot in additional_data_spec: self.additional_data[key] = (name, ot) # Pre-process the collision groups for "fast" detection of contacts self.collision_groups = {} if collision_groups is not None: for name, geom_names in collision_groups: col_group = list() for geom_name in geom_names: mj_id = mujoco.mj_name2id(self._model, mujoco.mjtObj.mjOBJ_GEOM, geom_name) assert mj_id != -1, f"geom \"{geom_name}\" not found! Can't be used for collision-checking." col_group.append(mj_id) self.collision_groups[name] = set(col_group) # Finally, we create the MDP information and call the constructor of # the parent class mdp_info = MDPInfo(observation_space, action_space, gamma, horizon, self.dt) mdp_info = self._modify_mdp_info(mdp_info) # set the warning callback to stop the simulation when a mujoco warning occurs mujoco.set_mju_user_warning(self.user_warning_raise_exception) # check whether the function compute_action was overridden or not. If yes, we want to compute # the action at simulation frequency, if not we do it at control frequency. if type(self)._compute_action == MuJoCo._compute_action: self._recompute_action_per_step = False else: self._recompute_action_per_step = True # call grad-parent class, not MuJoCo super(MuJoCo, self).__init__(mdp_info)
[docs] def reset(self, obs=None): mujoco.mj_resetData(self._model, self._data) if self._random_env_reset: self._current_model_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self._models)) else: self._current_model_idx = self._current_model_idx + 1 \ if self._current_model_idx < len(self._models) - 1 else 0 self._model = self._models[self._current_model_idx] self._data = self._datas[self._current_model_idx] self.obs_helper = self.obs_helpers[self._current_model_idx] self.setup(obs) if self._viewer is not None and self.more_than_one_env: self._viewer.load_new_model(self._model) self._obs = self._create_observation(self.obs_helper._build_obs(self._data)) return self._modify_observation(self._obs)
@property def more_than_one_env(self): return len(self._models) > 1
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_env_id_map(current_model_idx, n_models): """ Retuns a binary vector to identify environment. This can be passed to the observation space. Args: current_model_idx (int): index of the current model. n_models (int): total number of models. Returns: ndarray containing a binary vector identifying the current environment. """ n_models = np.maximum(n_models, 2) bits_needed = 1+int(np.log((n_models-1))/np.log(2)) id_mask = np.zeros(bits_needed) bin_rep = np.binary_repr(current_model_idx)[::-1] for i, b in enumerate(bin_rep): idx = bits_needed - 1 - i # reverse idx if int(b): id_mask[idx] = 1.0 else: id_mask[idx] = 0.0 return id_mask