Source code for mushroom_rl.environments.mujoco_envs.air_hockey.defend

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.environments.mujoco_envs.air_hockey.single import AirHockeySingle

[docs]class AirHockeyDefend(AirHockeySingle): """ Class for the air hockey defending task. The agent tries to stop the puck at the line x=-0.6. If the puck get into the goal, it will get a punishment. """
[docs] def __init__(self, random_init=False, action_penalty=1e-3, init_velocity_range=(1, 2.2), gamma=0.99, horizon=500, env_noise=False, obs_noise=False, timestep=1 / 240., n_intermediate_steps=1, **viewer_params): """ Constructor Args: random_init(bool, False): If true, initialize the puck at random position . action_penalty(float, 1e-3): The penalty of the action on the reward at each time step init_velocity_range((float, float), (1, 2.2)): The range in which the initial velocity is initialized """ self.random_init = random_init self.action_penalty = action_penalty self.init_velocity_range = init_velocity_range self.start_range = np.array([[0.25, 0.65], [-0.4, 0.4]]) super().__init__(gamma=gamma, horizon=horizon, timestep=timestep, n_intermediate_steps=n_intermediate_steps, env_noise=env_noise, obs_noise=obs_noise, **viewer_params)
[docs] def setup(self, obs): # Set initial puck parameters if self.random_init: puck_pos = np.random.rand(2) * (self.start_range[:, 1] - self.start_range[:, 0]) + self.start_range[:, 0] lin_vel = np.random.uniform(self.init_velocity_range[0], self.init_velocity_range[1]) angle = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) puck_lin_vel = np.zeros(3) puck_lin_vel[0] = -np.cos(angle) * lin_vel puck_lin_vel[1] = np.sin(angle) * lin_vel puck_ang_vel = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 3) puck_ang_vel[:2] = 0.0 else: puck_pos = np.array([self.start_range[0].mean(), 0]) puck_lin_vel = np.array([-1., 0., 0.]) puck_ang_vel = np.zeros(3) self._write_data("puck_pos", np.concatenate([puck_pos, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])) self._write_data("puck_vel", np.concatenate([puck_lin_vel, puck_ang_vel])) super(AirHockeyDefend, self).setup(obs)
[docs] def reward(self, state, action, next_state, absorbing): r = 0 puck_pos, puck_vel, _ = self.get_puck(next_state) # If absorbing the puck is out of bounds of the table. if absorbing: # large penalty if agent coincides a goal if puck_pos[0] + self.env_spec['table']['length'] / 2 < 0 and \ np.abs(puck_pos[1]) - self.env_spec['table']['goal'] < 0: r = -50 else: # If the puck bounced off the head walls, there is no reward. if self.has_bounce: r = -1 elif self.has_hit: # Reward if the puck slows down on the defending side if -0.8 < puck_pos[0] < -0.4: r_y = 3 * np.exp(-3 * np.abs(puck_pos[1])) r_x = np.exp(-5 * np.abs(puck_pos[0] + 0.6)) r_vel = 5 * np.exp(-(5 * np.linalg.norm(puck_vel))**2) r = r_x + r_y + r_vel + 1 # If we did not yet hit the puck, reward is controlled by the distance between end effector and puck # on the x axis else: ee_pos = self.get_ee()[0][:2] # Maybe change -0.6 to -0.4 so the puck is stopped a bit higher, could improve performance because # we don't run into the constraints at the bottom ee_des = np.array([-0.6, puck_pos[1]]) dist_ee_puck = np.abs(ee_des - ee_pos) r_x = np.exp(-3 * dist_ee_puck[0]) sig = 0.2 r_y = 1./(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*sig)*np.exp(-np.power((dist_ee_puck[1] - 0.08)/sig, 2.)/2) r = 0.3 * r_x + 0.7 * (r_y/2) # penalizes the amount of torque used r -= self.action_penalty * np.linalg.norm(action) return r
[docs] def is_absorbing(self, state): puck_pos_x = self.get_puck(state)[0][0] if (self.has_hit or self.has_bounce) and puck_pos_x > 0: return True return super().is_absorbing(state)