Source code for mushroom_rl.rl_utils.preprocessors

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.core import Serializable, ArrayBackend
from mushroom_rl.rl_utils.running_stats import RunningStandardization

[docs]class Preprocessor(Serializable): """ Abstract preprocessor class. """
[docs] def __call__(self, obs): """ Preprocess the observations. Args: obs (Array): observations to be preprocessed. Return: Preprocessed observations. """ # TODO: Support vectorized environment and batch preprocessing. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, obs): """ Update internal state of the preprocessor using the current observations. Args: obs (Array): observations to be preprocessed. """ # TODO: Support vectorized environment and batch update. pass
[docs]class StandardizationPreprocessor(Preprocessor): """ Preprocess observations from the environment using a running standardization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, backend, clip_obs=10., alpha=1e-32): """ Constructor. Args: mdp_info (MDPInfo): information of the MDP; backend (str): name of the backend to be used; clip_obs (float, 10.): values to clip the normalized observations; alpha (float, 1e-32): moving average catchup parameter for the normalization. """ self._clip_obs = clip_obs self._obs_shape = mdp_info.observation_space.shape self._array_backend = ArrayBackend.get_array_backend(backend) self._obs_runstand = RunningStandardization(shape=self._obs_shape, backend=backend, alpha=alpha) self._add_save_attr( _clip_obs='primitive', _obs_shape='primitive', _array_backend='pickle', _obs_runstand='mushroom' )
[docs] def __call__(self, obs): norm_obs = self._array_backend.clip( (obs - self._obs_runstand.mean) / self._obs_runstand.std, -self._clip_obs, self._clip_obs ) return norm_obs
[docs] def update(self, obs): self._obs_runstand.update_stats(obs)
[docs]class MinMaxPreprocessor(StandardizationPreprocessor): """ Preprocess observations from the environment using the bounds of the observation space of the environment. For observations that are not limited falls back to using running mean standardization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mdp_info, backend, clip_obs=10., alpha=1e-32): """ Constructor. Args: mdp_info (MDPInfo): information of the MDP; backend (str): name of the backend to be used; clip_obs (float, 10.): values to clip the normalized observations; alpha (float, 1e-32): moving average catchup parameter for the normalization. """ super(MinMaxPreprocessor, self).__init__(mdp_info, backend, clip_obs, alpha) obs_low, obs_high = (self._array_backend.convert(mdp_info.observation_space.low.copy(), mdp_info.observation_space.high.copy())) self._obs_mask = self._array_backend.where((self._array_backend.abs(obs_low) < 1e20) & (self._array_backend.abs(obs_high) < 1e20)) self._obs_mask = self._array_backend.concatenate(self._obs_mask) assert self._obs_mask.sum() > 0, "All observations have unlimited/extremely large range, " \ "you should use StandardizationPreprocessor instead." self._run_norm_obs = len(self._array_backend.squeeze(self._obs_mask)) != obs_low.shape[0] self._obs_mean = self._array_backend.zeros_like(obs_low) self._obs_delta = self._array_backend.ones_like(obs_low) self._obs_mean[self._obs_mask] = (obs_high[self._obs_mask] + obs_low[self._obs_mask]) / 2. self._obs_delta[self._obs_mask] = (obs_high[self._obs_mask] - obs_low[self._obs_mask]) / 2. self._add_save_attr( _array_backend='pickle', _run_norm_obs='primitive', _obs_mask='numpy', _obs_mean='numpy', _obs_delta='numpy' )
[docs] def __call__(self, obs): orig_obs = self._array_backend.copy(obs) if self._run_norm_obs: obs = super(MinMaxPreprocessor, self).__call__(obs) obs[self._obs_mask] = \ ((orig_obs - self._obs_mean) / self._obs_delta)[self._obs_mask] return obs