Source code for mushroom_rl.rl_utils.variance_parameters

import numpy as np

from mushroom_rl.rl_utils.parameters import Parameter
from mushroom_rl.approximators.table import Table

[docs]class VarianceParameter(Parameter): """ Abstract class to implement variance-dependent parameters. A ``target`` parameter is expected. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, exponential=False, min_value=None, tol=1., size=(1,)): """ Constructor. Args: tol (float): value of the variance of the target variable such that The parameter value is 0.5. """ self._exponential = exponential self._tol = tol self._weights_var = Table(size) self._x = Table(size) self._x2 = Table(size) self._parameter_value = Table(size) super().__init__(value, min_value, size) self._add_save_attr( _exponential='primitive', _tol='primitive', _weights_var='mushroom', _x='mushroom', _x2='mushroom', _parameter_value='mushroom', )
[docs] def _compute(self, *idx, **kwargs): return self._parameter_value[idx]
[docs] def update(self, *idx, **kwargs): """ Updates the value of the parameter in the provided index. Args: *idx (list): index of the parameter whose number of visits has to be updated. target (float): Value of the target variable; factor (float): Multiplicative factor for the parameter value, useful when the parameter depend on another parameter value. """ x = kwargs['target'] factor = kwargs.get('factor', 1.) # compute parameter value n = self._n_updates[idx] self._n_updates[idx] += 1 if n < 2: parameter_value = self._initial_value else: var = n * (self._x2[idx] - self._x[idx] ** 2) / (n - 1.) var_estimator = var * self._weights_var[idx] parameter_value = self._compute_parameter(var_estimator, sigma_process=var, index=idx) # update state self._x[idx] += (x - self._x[idx]) / self._n_updates[idx] self._x2[idx] += (x ** 2 - self._x2[idx]) / self._n_updates[idx] self._weights_var[idx] = ( 1. - factor * parameter_value) ** 2 * self._weights_var[idx] + ( factor * parameter_value) ** 2 self._parameter_value[idx] = parameter_value
def _compute_parameter(self, sigma, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('VarianceParameter is an abstract class.')
[docs]class VarianceIncreasingParameter(VarianceParameter): """ Class implementing a parameter that increases with the target variance. """ def _compute_parameter(self, sigma, **kwargs): if self._exponential: return 1 - np.exp(sigma * np.log(.5) / self._tol) else: return sigma / (sigma + self._tol)
[docs]class VarianceDecreasingParameter(VarianceParameter): """ Class implementing a parameter that decreases with the target variance. """ def _compute_parameter(self, sigma, **kwargs): if self._exponential: return np.exp(sigma * np.log(.5) / self._tol) else: return 1. / (sigma + self._tol)
[docs]class WindowedVarianceParameter(Parameter): """ Abstract class to implement variance-dependent parameters. A ``target`` parameter is expected. differently from the "Variance Parameter" class the variance is computed in a window interval. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, exponential=False, min_value=None, tol=1., window=100, size=(1,)): """ Constructor. Args: tol (float): value of the variance of the target variable such that the parameter value is 0.5. window (int): """ self._exponential = exponential self._tol = tol self._weights_var = Table(size) self._samples = Table(size + (window,)) self._index = Table(size, dtype=int) self._window = window self._parameter_value = Table(size) self._add_save_attr( _exponential='primitive', _tol='primitive', _weights_var='mushroom', _samples='mushroom', _index='mushroom', _window='primitive', _parameter_value='mushroom', ) super(WindowedVarianceParameter, self).__init__(value, min_value, size)
[docs] def _compute(self, *idx, **kwargs): return self._parameter_value[idx]
[docs] def update(self, *idx, **kwargs): """ Updates the value of the parameter in the provided index. Args: *idx (list): index of the parameter whose number of visits has to be updated. target (float): Value of the target variable; factor (float): Multiplicative factor for the parameter value, useful when the parameter depend on another parameter value. """ x = kwargs['target'] factor = kwargs.get('factor', 1.) # compute parameter value n = self._n_updates[idx] self._n_updates[idx] += 1 if n < 2: parameter_value = self._initial_value else: samples = self._samples[idx] if n < self._window: samples = samples[:int(n)] var = np.var(samples) var_estimator = var * self._weights_var[idx] parameter_value = self._compute_parameter(var_estimator, sigma_process=var, index=idx) # update state index = np.array([self._index[idx]], dtype=int) self._samples[idx + (index,)] = x self._index[idx] += 1 if self._index[idx] >= self._window: self._index[idx] = 0 self._weights_var[idx] = ( 1. - factor*parameter_value) ** 2 * self._weights_var[idx] + ( factor * parameter_value) ** 2 self._parameter_value[idx] = parameter_value
def _compute_parameter(self, sigma, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( 'WindowedVarianceParameter is an abstract class.')
[docs]class WindowedVarianceIncreasingParameter(WindowedVarianceParameter): """ Class implementing a parameter that decreases with the target variance, where the variance is computed in a fixed length window. """ def _compute_parameter(self, sigma, **kwargs): if self._exponential: return 1 - np.exp(sigma * np.log(.5) / self._tol) else: return sigma / (sigma + self._tol)