Source code for mushroom_rl.core.core

from tqdm import tqdm

from collections import defaultdict
from mushroom_rl.utils.record import VideoRecorder

[docs]class Core(object): """ Implements the functions to run a generic algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, agent, mdp, callbacks_fit=None, callback_step=None, record_dictionary=None): """ Constructor. Args: agent (Agent): the agent moving according to a policy; mdp (Environment): the environment in which the agent moves; callbacks_fit (list): list of callbacks to execute at the end of each fit; callback_step (Callback): callback to execute after each step; """ self.agent = agent self.mdp = mdp self.callbacks_fit = callbacks_fit if callbacks_fit is not None else list() self.callback_step = callback_step if callback_step is not None else lambda x: None self._state = None self._total_episodes_counter = 0 self._total_steps_counter = 0 self._current_episodes_counter = 0 self._current_steps_counter = 0 self._episode_steps = None self._n_episodes = None self._n_steps_per_fit = None self._n_episodes_per_fit = None if record_dictionary is None: record_dictionary = dict() self._record = self._build_recorder_class(**record_dictionary)
[docs] def learn(self, n_steps=None, n_episodes=None, n_steps_per_fit=None, n_episodes_per_fit=None, render=False, quiet=False, record=False): """ This function moves the agent in the environment and fits the policy using the collected samples. The agent can be moved for a given number of steps or a given number of episodes and, independently from this choice, the policy can be fitted after a given number of steps or a given number of episodes. The environment is reset at the beginning of the learning process. Args: n_steps (int, None): number of steps to move the agent; n_episodes (int, None): number of episodes to move the agent; n_steps_per_fit (int, None): number of steps between each fit of the policy; n_episodes_per_fit (int, None): number of episodes between each fit of the policy; render (bool, False): whether to render the environment or not; quiet (bool, False): whether to show the progress bar or not; record (bool, False): whether to record a video of the environment or not. If True, also the render flag should be set to True. """ assert (n_episodes_per_fit is not None and n_steps_per_fit is None)\ or (n_episodes_per_fit is None and n_steps_per_fit is not None) assert (render and record) or (not record), "To record, the render flag must be set to true" self._n_steps_per_fit = n_steps_per_fit self._n_episodes_per_fit = n_episodes_per_fit if n_steps_per_fit is not None: fit_condition = lambda: self._current_steps_counter >= self._n_steps_per_fit else: fit_condition = lambda: self._current_episodes_counter >= self._n_episodes_per_fit self._run(n_steps, n_episodes, fit_condition, render, quiet, record, get_env_info=False)
[docs] def evaluate(self, initial_states=None, n_steps=None, n_episodes=None, render=False, quiet=False, record=False, get_env_info=False): """ This function moves the agent in the environment using its policy. The agent is moved for a provided number of steps, episodes, or from a set of initial states for the whole episode. The environment is reset at the beginning of the learning process. Args: initial_states (np.ndarray, None): the starting states of each episode; n_steps (int, None): number of steps to move the agent; n_episodes (int, None): number of episodes to move the agent; render (bool, False): whether to render the environment or not; quiet (bool, False): whether to show the progress bar or not; record (bool, False): whether to record a video of the environment or not. If True, also the render flag should be set to True; get_env_info (bool, False): whether to return the environment info list or not. Returns: The collected dataset and, optionally, an extra dataset of environment info, collected at each step. """ assert (render and record) or (not record), "To record, the render flag must be set to true" fit_condition = lambda: False return self._run(n_steps, n_episodes, fit_condition, render, quiet, record, get_env_info, initial_states)
def _run(self, n_steps, n_episodes, fit_condition, render, quiet, record, get_env_info, initial_states=None): assert n_episodes is not None and n_steps is None and initial_states is None\ or n_episodes is None and n_steps is not None and initial_states is None\ or n_episodes is None and n_steps is None and initial_states is not None self._n_episodes = len( initial_states) if initial_states is not None else n_episodes if n_steps is not None: move_condition = lambda: self._total_steps_counter < n_steps steps_progress_bar = tqdm(total=n_steps, dynamic_ncols=True, disable=quiet, leave=False) episodes_progress_bar = tqdm(disable=True) else: move_condition = lambda: self._total_episodes_counter < self._n_episodes steps_progress_bar = tqdm(disable=True) episodes_progress_bar = tqdm(total=self._n_episodes, dynamic_ncols=True, disable=quiet, leave=False) dataset, dataset_info = self._run_impl(move_condition, fit_condition, steps_progress_bar, episodes_progress_bar, render, record, initial_states) if get_env_info: return dataset, dataset_info else: return dataset def _run_impl(self, move_condition, fit_condition, steps_progress_bar, episodes_progress_bar, render, record, initial_states): self._total_episodes_counter = 0 self._total_steps_counter = 0 self._current_episodes_counter = 0 self._current_steps_counter = 0 dataset = list() dataset_info = defaultdict(list) last = True while move_condition(): if last: self.reset(initial_states) sample, step_info = self._step(render, record) self.callback_step([sample]) self._total_steps_counter += 1 self._current_steps_counter += 1 steps_progress_bar.update(1) if sample[-1]: self._total_episodes_counter += 1 self._current_episodes_counter += 1 episodes_progress_bar.update(1) dataset.append(sample) for key, value in step_info.items(): dataset_info[key].append(value) if fit_condition():, **dataset_info) self._current_episodes_counter = 0 self._current_steps_counter = 0 for c in self.callbacks_fit: c(dataset) dataset = list() dataset_info = defaultdict(list) last = sample[-1] self.agent.stop() self.mdp.stop() if record: self._record.stop() steps_progress_bar.close() episodes_progress_bar.close() return dataset, dataset_info
[docs] def _step(self, render, record): """ Single step. Args: render (bool): whether to render or not. Returns: A tuple containing the previous state, the action sampled by the agent, the reward obtained, the reached state, the absorbing flag of the reached state and the last step flag. """ action = self.agent.draw_action(self._state) next_state, reward, absorbing, step_info = self.mdp.step(action) self._episode_steps += 1 if render: frame = self.mdp.render(record) if record: self._record(frame) last = not( self._episode_steps < and not absorbing) state = self._state next_state = self._preprocess(next_state.copy()) self._state = next_state return (state, action, reward, next_state, absorbing, last), step_info
[docs] def reset(self, initial_states=None): """ Reset the state of the agent. """ if initial_states is None or self._total_episodes_counter == self._n_episodes: initial_state = None else: initial_state = initial_states[self._total_episodes_counter] self.agent.episode_start() self._state = self._preprocess(self.mdp.reset(initial_state).copy()) self.agent.next_action = None self._episode_steps = 0
[docs] def _preprocess(self, state): """ Method to apply state preprocessors. Args: state (np.ndarray): the state to be preprocessed. Returns: The preprocessed state. """ for p in self.agent.preprocessors: state = p(state) return state
[docs] def _build_recorder_class(self, recorder_class=None, fps=None, **kwargs): """ Method to create a video recorder class. Args: recorder_class (class): the class used to record the video. By default, we use the ``VideoRecorder`` class from mushroom. The class must implement the ``__call__`` and ``stop`` methods. Returns: The recorder object. """ if not recorder_class: recorder_class = VideoRecorder if not fps: fps = int(1 / return recorder_class(fps=fps, **kwargs)